Monday, February 2, 2009

My First Post: Welcome

Welcome to my blog. Here you probably won't find something that interests you unless you know me personally, so sorry about your luck... This is just me putting my thoughts down. I chose to write on because it's quick & easy; plus I think my husband is getting tired of me spending money on notebooks...

My name is Missie, and I am twenty years young. I have been married for a little over a year now, and could not be more happier! We have been together for what has been almost four years. Our story is an interesting one, but not uncommon now a days. That is for another blog though.

My free time is usually spent scrapbooking or being on my computer. I have become addicted to the computer program called Paint Shop Pro 9 X2! Which this next part is sad because apparently I've become so obsessed with photo editing that my husband tells me he misses me. Recently my hard drive broke so my laptop has been at best buy for about 2 weeks now. Jon has told me that he feels like he has his wife back now. So when I get my laptop back I'm going to try my damnest to pry myself away from it and spend more "Jon time" instead of "Me time", but "Me time" is always needed; I don't care who you are YOU NEED TIME TO YOURSELF ONCE IN AWHILE.

For a living I am a beautician; I work in a salon called Supercuts. It's a pretty good job, and I like it there. Which is good because you should be happy with where you work.