Friday, November 20, 2009

New Moon

I haven't seen it yet, and I don't plan to see it till either it's in the dollar theatre or on dvd. I made the mistake of seeing it in theatres and there were so many screaming teenage girls giggling & drooling over Edward & Jacob. I've watched youtube videos from some of the events where they showed sneak peaks of New Moon and you could hardly hear what they were saying because of the people drooling over the screen. I loved this book series & I hope New Moon is better than Twilight, I just don't feel like the captured the book very well.

Plus I'm not mean enough to force my husband to sit through it in a movie theatre haha. When I brought home Twilight on DVD he left me alone and found something else to do FAR away from me while I watched it. I liked the movie, but it didn't become one of my favorites.