Thursday, December 10, 2009

Health Update

December 2nd, 2009

I wrote this on my facebook journal, I'm just coping and pasting it here as an update.
Well I'm not going to UofL. They waited till the day BEFORE I was to come in to tell me how much it'd cost me since I didn't have health insurance. If I lived in KY they could of helped me, but since I don't it was going to cost me nearly $30,000 to go to the seizure center! $5,000 a day! I freaked out because theres no way in hell we could afford that! I came downstairs crying my eyes out & fell, told grandma what happened & she called UofL back & bitched them out for causing me stress cuz one of the main reasons of my seizures is STRESS! I called Jon's mom in tears cuz Jon was busy @ work & so was my mom, I <3

I just can't believe the nerve of waiting till the day before. I wish I could of heard what my grandma said to that woman on the phone, but I had to leave because when I cry I could raise the dead. All I heard was "I don't know what the heck you said to my granddaughter but she's in tears and you should be ashamed of yourself!! $%^&*" I love my grandma. She hates to see me cry. I felt bad bothering Jon so much at work, I know I shouldn't call to bother him, but it felt like an emergency to me while I was crying. I ended up having a seizure while I was on the phone with him. His idea was changing my ID to saying I live in Kentucky so I could go to UofL lol. His mom had the similar thought. But we don't know how long you'd have to be a citizen of the state or anything. So Uof Indianapolis is probably our best bet. It's the place we went when my mom was really sick in 2004 & they cured her so I'm pretty positive about it. Just got to wait for Dr. Seipel to call us back. My grandma & Jon's mom will be staying in the adjoining hotel to the hospital. It's got one of those hallways up in the air that connects the hospital to the hotel, it's really nice. I didn't stay much in the hotel while my mom was there because she had a two bedroom hospital room and I slept in the bed next to her.

Well lets just pray that I get into UofIndy soon.


UofL was full, so I'm going to Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis, Indiana. Jon isn't going with me because he just got two new members on his team at work and he needs to train the the best he can, he just needs one more member and he gets promoted! So Sunday afternoon around 2:00 we're leaving my house. It takes about two hours to get to Indianapolis, my mom's fiance, Lee, is driving. It's going to be cramped in that car, my mom is going just to be going, and in the backseat will be me, grandma, and my mother-in-law. Mom and Lee will be gong back home that night and I don't check into the hospital till EARLY 8:00AM on Monday morning so I'll be staying in the hotel with grandma and my mother-in-law for one night. The hotel is a part of the hospital so it's going to be real easy for them to get to my room. Once I've checked in I'll be there till Thursday. I'll be hooked up by machines and have a 24 hour EEG everyday that I'm there. It should be to boring, I haven't heard anything about what to bring so I'm assuming I can bring the same stuff that UofL told me I could. So I'm bringing books, movies, my iPod, cellphone, and my mom's mini laptop. If they tell me I can't have it then my grandma will just take it back to her hotel room. Only thing I'm freaking out about is that they're going to have an IV in me the whole time I'm there. I have a huge phobia of IVs. So I'm seriously going to be freaking out the first day.